
We are here for you!

Dear customers and Business Partners,

the spread of the corona pandemic is increasingly restricting public life. Cases of infection with the new virus have been confirmed in all countries where we have offices. The top priority is to prevent – or at least delay – the further spread of the virus as far as possible. This is to be achieved by reducing social contacts to prevent infection in private, professional and public life. Even if the health risks in case of an infection should be limited for most groups of people, infected persons still contribute to the spread of the virus, which can also lead to the endangerment of so-called risk groups. That is what we want to avoid.

Within the area of our care, we feel obligated to preserve the health of all of us. For this reason, we have introduced various measures in recent weeks – also to ensure that business operations are maintained and to be a reliable banking partner for you during this period as well.

We are experiencing that the restrictions in public life have a strong impact on our everyday life. In view of the gradual spread of the virus, health care and the maintenance of our business operations, we must all live up to our responsibility and deal calmly and prudently with the changed circumstances.

Even if personal contact with you is currently limited also in your interest, we are still there for you and are available. Please contact us by phone or email.

Many thanks for your understanding.


Yours, Deutsche Hypo